Thiamethoxam 12.6%+ Lambdacyhalothrin 9.5% Zc Trade Information
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Product Description
A combination of Thiamethoxam and Lambda-cyhalothrin is a broad-spectrum insecticide that provides both systemic and contact action, effectively controlling a wide range of sucking and chewing insects on various crops, including aphids, thrips, whiteflies, leafhoppers, and caterpillars, by disrupting their nervous system through ingestion and contact with the treated plant; this mixture is often used in agricultural settings due to its dual mode of action and long-lasting protection against pests.
Dual action:Thiamethoxam acts systemically, being absorbed by the plant and translocated throughout, while Lambda-cyhalothrin provides immediate contact kill upon direct contact with the insect.
Resistance management:Due to its potent efficacy, rotating with insecticides having different modes of action is recommended to prevent pest resistance development.
Target pests
Jassids: A pest that attacks crops
Aphids: A sap-sucking insect that damages leaves, buds, and flowers
Thrips: A pest that attacks crops
Bollworm: A pest that attacks crops
Shootfly: A pest that attacks crops
Stem borers: A pest that attacks crops
Leaf hoppers: A pest that attacks crops
Leaf eating caterpillars: A pest that attacks crops
Semilooper: A pest that attacks crops
Gridle be etle: A pest that attacks crops
Target crops Cotton, Maize, Groundnut, Soybean, Chili, Tea, and Tomato.
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